Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I got Tagged!

Up until about a week ago or so I was carrying around this huge diaper bag.... talk about bringing the kitchen sink with me! Anyway, so I decided to start using my purse instead..... it's way smaller! There are the occasional trips where I take the larger one. Anyway, so here's my purse!
My wallet
Roberts wallet....we went out last night and he always gives me his stuff
2 hair bands
A Tampon
My Keys
Roberts Keys.....again he gives me his stuff!
Chap stick
2 Diapers
2 blockbuster online movies to take back to the store
2 pens
Weight Watchers point counter
Weight Watchers weight tracker
Weight Watchers flavor straw
2 old Weight Watchers name tags
A Fa fa........ (pacifier)
Granola Bar
Fish crackers
fruit snacks
Baby Roberts Insurance card
And 2 Safeway Receipts

You should have seen what I use to carry in that Huge diaper bag!

PS Jayme! I have a new blog for you to read!


Carrie said...

It's about time you got a new post! :) Just think of it as journaling. My sister says she prints off her posts and it eases her conscience. (sp?)
Good idea! I haven't printed them, but at least they're there.

Jayme said...

I enjoy the new posts. Not just one... but TWO. I thought by tagging you it would get you to post ;o). Love ya and hope to see you blogging more!